// We are the 11th Generation, one family, one legacy, that's who we're proud to be! //

// We are the 11th Generation, one family, one legacy, that's who we're proud to be! //

Art Mentor

We are the 11th Generation, one family, one legacy, that's who we're proud to be!

70s Hong Kong is vibrant and filled with opportunities. Many believed in the "Hong Kong dream": that one can achieve any goals in life if they persist through the obstacles presented to them. Like the vast majority of young people, Lee Junior and his sisters have big dreams and high hopes for the future. Yet, these are all secret ambitions hidden away due to their familial duties.

As the 11st generation of Lee's Herbal Tea Shop, their father Lee, expects his children to continue the same tradition and carry on the legacy like he once did. Will Junior give up his dream for his family name? Will his sisters choose to obey their father's wishes? Or will they break the conventional expectations of this family and community to follow their heart's desire? 

"Housemates" is a tribute to Hong Kong-style nostalgia and local culture; the script, music, lyrics, choreography and direction are created by local artists. This musical presents the story between two generations of family, friends, and neighbours as they endure the changes from the wheel of time, and reaching a mutual understanding through love and acceptance.




Shouson Theatre,
Hong Kong Arts Centre


HKD320 Standard Price
*HKD240 Concessionary Price


Director: Yeung Chun To
Assistant Director: Cecilia Lau
Playwrights: Yeung Chun To, Cecilia Lau, Hilda Lam, Jacqueline Law
Music Director: Tang Chak Yan Joshua
Vocal Coach: Hilda Lam
Composer: Hilda Lam, Wong Lok-Hang Amos
Lyricist: Hilda Lam
Choreographer: Ashley Wong, Candy Sam
Production Manager: Fred Cheung
Set and Costume Designer: Vicky Ng
Lighting Designer: Fong Ka Yin
Sound Designer: Jeffrey Liu
Stage Manager: Fred Cheung
Deputy Stage Manager: Mahina Wong


It is of its most innate parental nature to teach their children his values, such that they grow up to be wise and competent. But the dilemma becomes: what if these values which once brought prosperity, no longer uphold in the current era? Stuck between the foundation in which his ancestors collectively built and the wave of new energy by the young, Lee is stuck between protecting his past and giving way to the future. And thus begins the age-old  conflict between order and chaos. Without order, civilization crumbles; without chaos, civilization halts. So how do we balance this, inviting improvement but not disaster? Lee spends the entire show wrestling with this exact conundrum, and no doubt, a conundrum that haunts every parent. 

Watching films and hearing stories of 1970s Hong Kong always put me in awe, there’s so much camaraderie within the neighbourhood that it truly deserves the word: “community”. Whereas nowadays as technology makes us more individualized, we seem to have lost that neighbourly love. I am not proud to admit that I can hardly tell you who lives next to my flat, and cannot imagine myself spending time with them. But it is in no doubt, that this simultaneously is the same individualization that has given rise to a new generation of young warriors, who have the courage to speak their minds and decide their own future. Junior, as the eldest child and the only son, will be the first to choose whether he’ll leave his family and community behind for a better life. 

And who better to present this piece, than this young and amazing cast! You will be the new voices and force of Hong Kong. Ever since the audition, I am already charmed by your love for performance. I have had a lot of fun rehearsing and exploring the script with you. If this is what you want, I urge you to keep chasing your dreams and never stop performing. This is the best age to learn and fail and grow. You are living in a fortunate time where you can learn anything, any time, from anywhere and anyone with the help of the internet. Seize your own future, and never cease to believe! 

It is also my greatest pleasure to have a very strong creative team! The endless hours of discussions fine-tuning the script, the millions of whatsapp groups as we have to liaise with different parties, the skimming through books in the bookstore to have a grip of what it’s like in the past, the choosing which costume fits which actor / character the best… Every moment is a battle against time, but thankfully, I have the best troops with me to fight this fight. Amongst all, I would like to thank Cecilia particularly, by being by my side through the entire process. She’s relieved so much stress off my shoulders, I cannot imagine doing this show without her. I’m so happy to know every one of you and I wish you a very deservedly great show!

I’ve always loved musical theatre, I think it punctuates my soul in a way that no other medium does. Drama creates story which drives thought, music stirs emotion as it is the most immediate way to call up memories, dance brings in energy and passion to keep you on your seats, design sucks you into the world. It is simply the perfect formula. And ‘Housemates’ is a great story for musical theatre, as it speaks of difficult topics: of family, of love, of change. I hope you enjoy this wonderful show, put on by these talented individuals.